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AMAZING BRAIN TEASERS (1); for active minds to Exercise their senses and have fun

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Question 1
A man was cleaning the windows of a 25 story building. He slipped and fell off the ladder, but wasn’t hurt. How did he do it?

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He fell off the 2nd step

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Historical figures around a little girl reading

AMAZING BRAIN TEASERS (1); for active minds to Exercise their senses and have fun - games,Brain teasers,

Question 2
Two children, who were all tangled up in their reckoning of the days of the week, paused on their way to school to straighten matters out. "When the day after tomorrow is yesterday," said Priscilla, "then 'today' will be as far from Sunday as that day was which was 'today' when the day before yesterday was tomorrow!" On which day of the week did this puzzling prattle occur?

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The two children were so befogged over the calendar that they had started on their way to school on Sunday morning!
 Question  3
There are a few trees in a garden. On one of them, a pear tree, there are pears (quite logical). But after a strong wind blew, there were neither pears on the tree nor on the ground. How come?

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At first, there were 2 pears on the tree. After the wind blew, one pear fell on the ground. So there where no pears on the tree and there were no pears on the ground.
Question  4
A poor farmer went to the market to sell some peas and lentils. However, as he had only one sack and didn't want to mix peas and lentils, he poured in the peas first, tied the sack in the middle, and then filled the top portion of the sack with the lentils. At the market a rich innkeeper happened by with his own sack. He wanted to buy the peas, but he did not want the lentils. Pouring the seed anywhere else but the sacks is considered soiling. Trading sacks is not allowed. The farmer can't cut a hole in his sack. How would you transfer the peas to the innkeeper's sack, which he wants to keep, without soiling the produce?

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Pour the lentils into the innkeeper's sack, bind it and turn inside out. Pour in the peas. Then unbind the sack a pour the lentils back to your sack
Question  5
13 people came into a hotel with 12 rooms and each guest wanted his own room. The bellboy solved this problem. He asked the thirteenth guest to wait a little with the first guest in room number 1. So in the first room there were two people. The bellboy took the third guest to room number 2, the fourth to number 3, ..., and the twelfth guest to room number 11. Then he returned to room number 1 and took the thirteenth guest to room number 12, still vacant. How can everybody have his own room?

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Of course, it is impossible. Into the second room should have gone the 2nd guest, because the 13th guest was waiting in room number 1.
Question  6
A girl who was just learning to drive went down a one-way street in the wrong direction, but didn't break the law. How come?

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She was walking.
Question  7
There are three men in a boat with four cigarettes but no matches. How do they manage to smoke?

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They throw one cigarette overboard and made the boat a cigarette lighter.
Question  8
Why do Chinese men eat more rice than Japanese men do?

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There are more Chinese men than Japanese men.
Question 9
What word describes a woman who does not have all her fingers on one hand?

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Normal - I wouldn't be very happy if I had all my fingers (10) on one hand.
Question 10
You are travelling to heaven. You reach a T-junction and find a little house with a pair of identical twin brothers in it. Only one is allowed to come out to attend to any pilgrim that gets to that junction. Of course, you don't know or see where each road leads; the twins perfectly do. One of the brothers always tells the truth and the other always lies (of course, you don't know who is lying). If you are allowed to ask only one question to one of the brothers who comes out to attend to you to find the correct road to the heaven, what is your question?

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Hi there! If I asked your brother to show me the way to heaven, where will your brother show me; the answer is always negative so the way to heaven is the opposite way


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